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Cairn Terrier Club of Southern California Joint Board & Membership Meeting Will be Held on September 7, 2019

Mark your Calendar!

The Cairn Terrier Club of So. California’s next joint board and membership meeting will be held on Saturday, September 7, 2019 at Jill Sohl’s home at 4501 Maroon Dr. La Palma, CA (562) 865-0027, 20*********@gm***.com“>Email: so*******@gm***.com. The meeting will start at 12 Noon and folks are welcome to bring dessert as Jill will have it catered by El Pollo Loco.

Directions from the 91 Freeway:  Take the 91 Freeway exit at Carmenita Road and drive south on Carmenita Road to La Palma Avenue.  Turn right onto La Palma Av. to Dennis St. and turn right. Drive to the end of Denni and Maroon Dr. Is the last street on your right.  Jill’s home is on the corner of Denni and Maroon – 4501 Maroon St.

“Naples 85” Rescue Update

Upstate New York – “Naples 85”

On July 31, reports of several dogs running in the road in Naples, NY came into the Ontario County Sheriff’s Office.  The following days after a few of the dogs were found in the road, the humane society returned to the home in Naples, NY and the residents would not allow investigators inside.  After obtaining a search warrant, the humane society and sheriff’s office deputies searched the home and seized 73 dogs that were infested with fleas, rashes and parasites and the dogs were taken out of what appeared to be an animal hoarding situation in a small home with a fenced-in yard.  The residents were charged with 73 counts of animal cruelty.The dogs ranged from a 4-month old puppy to elderly dogs.  Since the initial search, other dogs were found at the residence with a total number of 85 Cairns and Cairn mixes now housed at the Ontario County Humane Society-Happy Tails Shelter located at 2976 County Road 48, Canandaigua, NY 14424.  This is a very small shelter

As of this writing, today the residents appeared in court and entered a plea of not guilty to all charges.  The Ontario County judge ruled not to give the humane society custody of the dogs on Thursday but the next court date is September 26th; however, the humane society can place the dogs into foster care which means they will be temporarily housed off-site of the shelter which is not a permanent arrangement for these dogs.

The outpouring of support and donations for the “Naples 85” is overwhelming and to date, the Ontario County Humane Society has raised $70,000 in donations with the ultimate goal of $125,000 to care for all these animals, spay/neuter, feed, groom, manage other veterinary care and foster/rehabilitate them until they can be permanently placed once the case is settled in court.

While we are somewhat geographically undesirable to assist physically, I am happy to report that the Cairn Terrier Club of America, the Cairn Terrier Club of Southern California along with other Cairn Terrier affiliate clubs and private Cairn rescue services have donated monies to care for the “Naples 85.”  In addition, I am aware of many private donations that many of our club members have sent and the shelter is extremely grateful to all in reaching now over $70,000 in donations.   If anyone wishes to make a donation, please feel free to do so by obtaining the information online by going to their website at .  I have also attached the information below:

Cairn Rescue – NY – Naples 85 8-14-19

Thank you everyone … Hope to see you all at Jill’s House on Saturday, September 7 – 12 Noon for the upcoming meeting and I am delighted to fill you all in on our recent rescue placements here in Southern California.
Best … Karen Smith
Cairn Terrier Club of Southern California