Membership Dues
Dear CTCSC Members,
CTCSC yearly membership dues are due July 1st thru September 30th every year.
Dues are $30 per person per year for “General Membership”, and $5.00 per person per year for “Junior Membership”.
If you would like to pay by check, please make your checks payable to CTCSC and mail to Karen Smith, Secretary, Cairn Terrier Club of Southern California, 889 El Paisano Drive, Fallbrook, CA. 92028.
OR …..
If you would like to pay online using PayPal or Credit/Debit card, follow the “Pay On-Line Instructions” and fill out the form below.
Important: A $1.70 fee will be added to cover credit transaction fees. For Junior Members a 0.75 cent fee will be added.
Pay On-Line Instructions:
Please, enter only one member per transaction!
1. Click on Dropdown menu for payment options
2. Enter Member’s Name (note: This field is required)
3. Click “Pay Now” button
3. When prompted, you can “Pay with PayPal” or “Pay with your Debit or Credit Card” option
PLEASE! DONATE. We welcome and appreciate your donation to our Trophy, Rescue, or General Purpose Charity funds.
Cairn Terrier Club of Southern California